Winter can be the hardest season of the year for families struggling in poverty across Eastern Europe. Frigid temperatures, homes with little to no insulation or protection from the elements, and skyrocketing utility expenses force many families to choose between heating OR eating throughout the winter months.
As the temperatures plunge, life gets more difficult. Many families don't have indoor plumbing and that means cold trips outside at all hours to use the washroom along with the struggle to haul and keep fresh water inside.

Most homes of the families we work with only have small wood-burning stoves that is used both for cooking and heating the whole house. Access to heating materials like firewood and briquettes is often out of reach as the cost can be too high, leaving many searching for scrap wood in the community to try and keep warm.

Mission Without Borders' Operation Winter Rescue Program helps families in need by providing warm clothes, blankets, boots, and heating supplies throughout the coldest months so families don't have to choose between heating or eating.
Please help us reach more families with the supplies they need to stay warm and fed this winter. Donate and support Operation Winter Rescue today.

All donations received will be used for MWB-approved programs & projects as described; remaining funds will be used to fund other MWB programs across Eastern Europe in areas of greatest need.